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About Us

Vicimaris Investment is a rapidly growing multi-faceted business serving Sierra Leone. At its core is a premier car rental agency offering hassle-free transportation solutions. In addition to car rental services, we also provide office supplies, specialized construction and furniture services, and air conditioning repair. Our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction sets us apart in the industry.

Our Vision


At Vicimaris Investment, we envision a future where every individual and business has access to reliable transportation and essential services. Our journey began with a passion for delivering top-notch car rental solutions, and has expanded to encompass a diverse range of offerings to cater to the needs of our community. We take pride in our work and are dedicated to making a positive impact through our services.

Delivery Service

Our Team.

At the heart of VICIMARIS Investment's success lies our dedicated and talented team of professionals. Each member of our team brings a unique set of skills, expertise, and a shared commitment to providing exceptional service to our clients. 


The collective knowledge, dedication, and passion of our team are the driving forces behind VICIMARIS Investment's continued success. Through their unwavering commitment to excellence, we are able to consistently exceed our clients' expectations and maintain our position as a trusted partner in the Sierra Leonean business community.

Christopher Bayoh

Managing Director


Pamela Johnson


Abdul Karim Kargbo


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Martha Bayoh



Lumumba Morgan

Operations Manager

Eric Jaward

Head of Drivers

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Phebean Jalloh

Admin Manager

Abdul Karim Sesay

Fleet Manager

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Daniel Ashafa

Auto Mechanic

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